0995 What Network? Is it Globe Telecom Mobile Number Prefix?

0995 What Mobile Network is it

What network is 0995? The numbers that start with 0995 belongs to Globe Telecom or TM (Touch Mobile). “Is 0995 globe or smart number?” We often ask our friends to confirm their mobile networks. To save you from the hassle, we prepared a helpful and handy guide for you!

There are over 70 mobile prefixes from various network providers and grew a lot from before, which has placed us in a lot of confusion whether what service provider the mobile number is under. Remembering everything won’t be feasible unless you possess the sharpest memory in the world.

What are Mobile Prefixes?

What are these mobile prefixes? Mobile prefixes are the first four digits of an 11-digit mobile number. These serve as your guide or reference to determine respective mobile networks. For instance, if your mobile number is 09951234567, 0995 is referred to as the mobile prefix. These four digits will allow you to determine whether one number is registered to Globe or Smart.

If you’re curious how to determine the mobile prefix for mobile numbers that start with the country code +63, don’t worry; that will also be easy as pie. Instead of +639951234567, we write it as 09951234567 in the 11-digit format instead.

What network is 0995?

The 0995 prefix belongs to Globe or TM (Touch Mobile) network in the Philippines. Republika ng TM is subsidiary of Globe Telecom, while Talk N’ Text and Sun Cellular are under of Smart Communications

TM (Touch Mobile), launched in 2001 and well-known for its discounted call and messaging services, is a cellular service brand by Globe Telecom. Globe and TM basically share the same set of mobile prefixes. Thus, they are considered tie-up mobile networks. You can check out other Globe and TM mobile number prefix here.

Importance of Knowing the Network of a Mobile Number

Determining the mobile networks of your contacts is both convenient and economical. It is economical in a sense that it allows to maximize your unlimited promos and prevent extra charges from inter-network connections.

Network provides usually offer unlimited promos exclusive only to tie-up networks. For instance, you are a Globe user and registered to an unlimited text/call promo. Unlimited texts and calls are most likely only permitted across the same networks.

How to call a TM or Globe mobile number?

If you’re calling within Philippines just dial the 11 digit number starting with 0995. Make sure you have enough load balance on your account to initiate a call or register to any Globe or TM unlimited call promo offers. If you're calling outside the country or abroad, use the dialing format +63 plus 10-digit mobile number excluding ‘0’.


The current 70 mobile prefixes from various network providers could still rapidly increase, and they could be too overwhelming. To conclude, 0995 mobile prefix is registered to Globe or TM (Touch Mobile). Want a full list of mobile prefixes? For your convenience, you can access the complete list of updated Philippines Mobile Network Prefixes.

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